
Saturday 13 February 2021

Deadbeat tape 1 - wakey wakey!

Its still the music to make me get up, 40 years on. My desert island discs are so unknown but here I go again, listen to those first two tracks by the imperious Strawberry Tarts. I'm digging out my feather boa and off doing my couch to 5k. If you see a fat feather boa wearer, bent over double puking at the side of the Astley Ainslie, give me a wave!

Friday 12 February 2021

update on the review of Carillion Collapse - I'm behind schedule

Its a great book and today I walked with Jimmy And John who were at school together in primary from 1950-57. If I have the dates wrong they'll remind me. Essentially, society had slowly moved away from the ruling classes and now back toward them again. Over a 600 year view ,not a 2020 one, we are simply assuming a role well laid out. Under POCA, we want the windfalls from slave owners that bought land in Scotland to have that property confistcated for the state, including any other lands following the findings of the national tribunal/enquiry Its really sad as education became free and people from scum schools, like my beloved holyrood, sent pupils to oxford or in my case st andrews or even to hibs or other football teams. Free grants disappeared so quickly as soon as Tony Blair backed the Enfield model. The country knew that as long as the enfield constituencies votes "NEW" Lanour the party was electable. What we all agreed was that the party bended it knee to Enfield, and did not convince Enfield Labour had a message. By the time Blair became the Messiah, as he told the Queen about Diana, ENFIELD ROOLS! Unions would be disappointed, but we all were. That's the part Gordon Brown misses even now. As he coses up to Gove he looks like Clegg. We all thought AAAARRGGHHHHH! We abhor nationalism. We really abhor ENGLISH NATIONALISM. Thats why we humbly submit our considered views. 2 communists, 1 labour and 1 random labour/socialist. We 4 are Pro INDEPENDENCE

Tuesday 2 February 2021

Dr William Frankland

I've been listening to a lot of podcasts and January has been 10 hours of desert island discs through the night. I wake up listen to a bit and fall asleep. Some, like Sally Wainwright I've played 3 times as you miss so much at 4am so when that happens that's where I start the following night when I go to sleep, and whether its Mrs May, Kylie and co doing "Dancing Queen" or Judy Dench or former neighbour Michael Lewis taste is varied, but you'll usually get Louis Armstrong "its a wonderful world" or Ella Fitzgerald's "Strange Fruit" at least once a week. Bill, as he liked to be known was chatting about his life in 2015, he was 103. He was literally from another world and yet from this one, maybe it was me that was from another world. To think that he'd been lapping people by the time he sadly died in April, during the first outbreak of Covid-19 at the age of 108 is simply amazing. When it finished talking to Kirsty I put him in the good guy corner. You can always tell the good'uns, they say thank you and mean it. Sometimes they say thank you its been a great privilege, experience, honbour, and sometimes its a politicians hand off and "thank you, where are we next Jeeves." We liked Bill and after living through the Spanish Flu pandemic we're sorry you didn't get to live through another pandemic, but everyone with allergies owes you a huge debt. Thank you Bill.

Monday 1 February 2021

#33 December 1985

Vinyl Villains ad on the back page and the Alarm on the front.

Issue #33 time to go

If you ain't got anything good to say then don't say anything!

That was our credo and there it goes!

Truth is I liked Fergus! The Sheep!

It had some similarities to that fire engines sound and a hint of hey! Elastica! With that barra barra barra. Unlike Grease's shit be bop the B52s sound really works. 

The wall of noise scratchy guitar that many searched for when over produced ends up sounding like twisted nerve, more goth to these ears but it was the 80's and the drugs were better.

All things considered I'm still hearing it 40 years on but leave Fergus! As an A-side and do something revolutionary and have no b side!!

Now that would've been 80's!