
Thursday 30 April 2020

lockdown benefit #27

Yes, I'm up to #27, and its the social media spring clean!

Who to listen to and more importantly who to finally stop listening to.

Self censorship has seen millions of us finally take ownership of our devices and learn how to mute people, how to un-follow those that we 'only followed because...' and generally find time in our life for the things in our life we want to find time for.

Sometimes that's fresh air, not oxygen, but the epiphany of the moment that you enjoy reading, writing, singing, playing drums, touching your toes, chipping a golf ball in your hall. or plan your next camino.

So many of us who were under pressure, largely all related to that concept time, have like Salvador Dali, seen it melt right before their eyes. Each of Dali's timepieces is another part of your life and as you get mesmerised by each one, you feel the hypnotic power transform you.

When you come too you've got a dozen friends and colleagues, none of whom put ridiculous demands on you!

Job done...

I used to love smoking, 50g of tobacco some days, and in the end I had to stop, which I did cold turkey using the mantra, "I'll not be told by the tobacco companies when to have my next rollie, I will have one, when I want one."

Its one of the few times when I felt I exercised choice as opposed to having been guided 'Devs' like down a pre-ordained path. I often thought I was choosing, but most of the time it was not a real choice. When I've had a real choice like writing the diaries of Prof Hackenabush, or the story of the Car Turner, I usually get lost in the dream of the story and cant write it down. I close my eyes and have a good dream. I love the stories and prefer just to tell them when I walk the camino.

It's when the characters come alive, where  Jose Archer lives. She's probably not even aware of the lockdown as there's no lockdown in your imagination. The world according to Jose is liberated, and her story the Egg Hatcher, is quite prophetic of this current scenario, especially as she wrote her book more than 50 years ago.

I had a boss who said dont do tomorrow what you can finish today, which unfortunately I can only do in a work context, preferring the standard approach of manana...

I must get in touch with Josephine.....soon!

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