
Saturday 4 April 2020

Tomorrow's chip paper?

People used to think the newspaper was tomorrow's chip paper while other thought it was the first draft of history. 

As the 21st century arrived neither has much traction. Chippies have declined and the fall in circulation of newspapers has ensured the ambition of journalism declined, with it the likelihood of its claim to history.

With covid-19 we have seen a resurgence in journalism as papers hungry for stories have asked their journalists to write some. For many in the trade this must be a joy. 

"Just give me copy!" 

The papers are now full of stories that nobody else is covering because the journalists are just writing copy. With the decline in fast food outlets being open many of these articles are becoming the first draft of history again and don't need to fret about becoming insulation for a black pudding supper.

The 21st century brought blogger after blogger, with their self appointment as experts, our culture has changed. When Caprice advises the chief medical officer on covid-19, and people listen to her, we know it's gone too far.

I can't remember if it was Joey Essex or Jade Goodie who had trouble spelling coronovirus But it does worry me that our society has been so easily divided by technology, or it's applications.

In our day we listened to Joe Strummer, Annie Lennox, Roddy Frame, Tracey Thorn or earlier eras had their maestros and the cult of celebrity has long been with us, but we could draw a line and think for ourselves.

The daily bombarding via social media means the current generation are recipients to the populist voice. The current round of what's app videos would keep most people busy all day, time they should be spending trying to retreat from the social media barricades and recover some perspective.

I of course write this shite, in the firm believer that I will not promote it so nobody will actually read it.

Self fulfilling and q big pay on the back from me, ha ha, enjoy!


  1. Hey Vinny! I just want to thank you for posting all those Deadbeat fanzines...really enjoyed reading them a few years ago and found our more info about the Wild Indians! if you ever find old physical copies, extra copies, sell.some to me in Canada! cheers and stay safe!

    1. There's a book planned with all the copies which I hope to finish this year but I have some spare copies and can send you a wild indians one
