
Monday 1 June 2020

lockdown #65

So now its June, worldwide deaths head for 400,000 excess deaths close in on £1m and its pretty much all over bar the shouting.

The UK has won for being the daftest bastards in the world, the crazy gang who play fast and loose in the preservation of life. Ironically it looks like we'll also have the worst economic meltdown too but dont worry, it was coming anyway because of Brexit.

My thought for today was all about the numbers, as we've been so busy talking about dodging curfews. My numbers relate to the number of road traffic deaths which have declined significantly during this period and it appears to me the obvious correlation is far from it being dodgy eyesight, Covid-19 has improved everyone's eyesight and there has been a dramatic drop in road traffic fatalities. There you go, statistic comes in and Fat Al whacks it out the park.

On the subject of crime, as that's what road traffic accidents usually result in, 3 points on the licence doesn't seem a fair exchange for a fatality but tell that to some parents who dont even get the chance to see a prosecution. I'm thinking rich American, our own wee Epstein moment, where we turn a blind eye as a result of some pressure from a few people with 'power'. 'Power' tends to evaporate when you say no, I cant be bought off with threats or promises, but we've (including the perpetrators) all been getting conditioned into turning a blind eye for a while. Its not just murder on the roads, Epstein or even the Catholic church's ludicrous abuse, we weren't too good in New Orleans, Kosovo, Rwanda or Germany either.

I hesitated to put New Orleans in as that was a natural disaster, well I thought that, until I saw the Spike Lee 4 hour documentary and realised that the number of deaths that came after the Hurricane and floods were probably greater than during. Absolutely disgusting and total abuse of power. No votes in Louisiana, but plenty in New York for selling a war loosely based on a terrorist attack. I still dont understand how those fictitious Weapons of Mass Destruction which were ridiculed in the UK still had us off on a phoney pretext to kill people in Iraq. Its quite a thing that we ask people to kill other people, but its even harder to contextualise it actually happening. People actually killing people. All lives matter and during the current pandemic I thought that was a recognised mantra, its not age, ethnicity, religion or sex.

This swings us back round to the drop in crime during lockdown. Less people being killed, civilian on civilian, I guess is how you'd put it. Is it any surprise when you see the murderous activities of our leaders that people think killing is an option. Never mind the UK, the USA has been killing its residents  again and its been doing it for years. Our institutionalised racism is well documented, we prosecute crimes to fit the statistics, we target easy crimes to ensure people cop a plea. Why would you try to get the drug dealers at Imperial College or the London School of Economics when you know those cases are going to be difficult to prosecute. Its not rocket science, if you asked most people if they would rather play Celtic or Clyde in the cup final they're going to go for the easier option on paper, so why shouldn't the police if they've been set a target to 'catch criminals'. Similarly if you want the stats to go down and you dont want to win the cup, play Celtic. When a spin doctor can tell you he drove a 60 mile round trip to test his eyesight, its clear that twit'fuckerry is alive and kicking.

Over in the dis-united states we see that yet again the polis are killing their citizens. Why do they think its ok everyone screams, because its always been ok and you usually get a gold star. Its got to change and that starts with education. We'll watch in horror as the latest episode plays out but its another opportunity to stir up the racism issues, which sadly means the bastards in power win again. I've long said that whether its sex, religion, race or any of the ways that they divide and rule, those people, with power, have special qualifications in the art of misdirection. Sadly also the powerful people who purport to represent the left handers of America, are often the bastard corrupt captains of the elite, who wear the badge with the finger wagging at somebody else, and all the time, us poor people suffer. as divide and conquer works again. We switch off because its so fucking annoying that they dont answer truthfully, everythings a debate about scoring points, and then we just think, like Trump they're unhinged but the system clearly wants them there so guess what, plus ca change, c'est la memechose. I remember growing up that Edinburgh born, James Connolly went over to Dublin as a Socialist and was shot that way. He wasn't a catholic wanting an Irish church/state solution. He wanted the people to receive the benefit of moving out of poverty. Watching Louisiana getting fleeced of their oil revenues reminds me so much of Scotland being used as a testing ground by Thatcher's administration. Bush was fully aware that the oil business in Texas stays in Texas but next door neighbours oil and gas revenues go to the Federal Government ans as a result Louisiana is impoverished. As poor states go its hard not to believe the corruption, the corporate theft is stealing from them and yet they haven't declared independence. After Katrina, they should have. A little Venezuela in their own back yard, build that wall Mr Trump!

The world is weary of the expression immigrant. The little Englanders, who themselves were Angles and Saxon migrants, while the WASPs in the USA show just how bad that gene pool is, when the cream of the crop ( I jest, because as we know the economic migrants we sent west across the Atlantic were far more diverse), decided to battle it out for independence, they were swiftly, within a generation, putting a similar set of handcuffs on their fledgling democracy.

So I am getting on with my allotment and the lettuces look good, as does my salsify. I'm away off to water them before that runs out. I cant say I'm great with the power I have over my allotment, I clearly think trying to tame that society has been far more difficult than our global politicians have achieved in controlling us. I think if I dont water the weeds and just the plants I can keep the weeds under control, ha ha ha, they just get closer to the plants that way! The beauty of nature is, it is nature. There's no water, like humans, they migrate to a water source.

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