
Tuesday 22 September 2020

Blood donor sketch

There's a fine line to giving blood between the public spirited and the suicidal giving your blood away

I'm not sure it's a marketing slogan but today I ended up on the wrong side.

I tried to answer all the questions correctly but I managed to come up with one that was vague enough that I was unable to give blood.

Ordinarily that wouldn't be an issue but today I felt suicidal as a result -worthless, quite simply worthless.

This is clearly more to do with covid-19 - our trying to do things and the system fighting you.

Frankly I don't care.

I genuinely don't give a flying f***.

My defense mechanism got me to bed before I could do something f****** stupid but my will to live is lower than it's ever been.

I'll hopefully remove this from the website tomorrow when I realize I posted it.

I think it's probably cathartic to talk about it.

I'm so pissed off with the stupidity of others. I feel that I've acquired a lot of wisdom and that wisdom makes me realize it's not getting better it will get worse.

Google can't even spell realise!

I'm feeling calmer and I will post this if only to remind me to remove it.

There's anger and disdain, there's despair and dreams. I sent a text this morning about going to France in 2021, i just need some dream to cling onto, but it's not easy, it is not, easy.

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