
Wednesday 31 March 2021

Jose Archer - Tosantos approaching villambistia

"Do you know Tommy I love Tosantos. Even more than I loved Belorado. And you know I loved Santo Domingo de la Calzadas even more than I loved Azofra. This Camino thing is hauntingly mysterious. This love inside me I thought it burst out on the first night but it's like a lava flow. The love is setting hard wherever we go and yet there's always more wherever we arrive."

"You're just a love machine" said Tommy cackling. "I feel the same, but not quite your skill with the words"

They had just walked through a field of sunflowers in late September. The sunflowers bowed their heads to the huffing and puffing pellegrinos as they marched by, fair pecking  in Tommy's case. Pilgrims had drawn smiley faces on their big seeded heads. No surface was untouched by the pilgrim graffiti which would make its way into the food chain then due course.

What's that on the hill Tommy in the rocks. It's like a shrine built into the hillside.

Tommy looked at his half empty  beer then up to the shrine. 

Yes it looks like a temple of some description or maybe it's a tomb. Would you like another he said sensing an opportunity to not climb a hill.

No I might just have a look up there.

Tommy picked up his sticks as if to stand up and walk but then turned to the table and started drumming with them.

"Well if you don't mind, I'll just stay down here, rest my feet and have another beer." He sang then sank back into his chair with a laugh. 

"Oh you've got away with words now." Josephine joined him in an exhausting embrace. The warmth and laughter soaked through them as their bond solidified. A pilgrim took their picture, cementing it in time. Big Tommy on the chair and wee Jose towering over him, powerfully standing and nurturing simultaneously. An image they were both oblivious to. The pilgrim knew it, here was someone who would get this other person to Santiago, the mythical Kingdom. 

"It was beautiful Tommy. One day I'll bring you back here and make you walk up that hill. But in the meantime here's the pictures."  She handed over her phone. Tommy finished his beer and started flicking through them.

"Looks really good" he smiled

"Yes, it was, now finish that beer. You'll get another in Villambistia, it's a full 40 minutes away. This section is methadone heaven for you." Jose chided in comical fashion. 

"Buen Camino" Tommy shouted at the rest of the beer garden pilgrims as he downed his beer and donned his pack.

"Buen Camino" the courtyard chorus replied.

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