
Monday 15 May 2023

Baxter Park Dundee 1985

Where were we on this day in 1985?

Well I'm writing this in May 2023 so I guess what I mean is who can remember 1985?
I'm looking for more clues than just the odd picture.
We all know that Plastic Surgery adorned the cover of Deadbeat and Chilli Peppers would change their name.

Issue #32 had the review of the gig but issue #31 probably is best known by me as another great fake news day! I couldn't remember the name Baxter Park so I typed it up saying a gig was coming with the line up, then I hand wrote caird park. 
We were running out of drugs and were running on steam by this point. Our bodies were temples and more like those found on the Acropolis or in Cambodia than those of the modern rock n roll stars. I liked that it was "free, outdoor and great, so grab a coach and visit dundee"
We worked like dogs for the gig including two practices and a tire change. I'm sure we weren't the only Hibs supporters who heeded the advice to grab a coach.
 General Gary Joyce gave a splendid rendition on the way back of how we sounded.  Oh how we laughed.
I've a few pictures from that day but if anyone has more please forward them or just leave message on the post.

I think we arrived too late to hear the first 2 bands and I know there's a picture in #32 showing us listening to plastic surgery but to be honest, I think I was blasted.

It may not have been our last gig as I'm pretty sure we managed a song or two at a wedding I was at in the old manor in Lundin links. A short-lived affair but it certainly provided the excuse to let the band slowly decay and have me down as a 24 year old fossil. 

Reading these reviews years later you realise how far up your own arse we were and we were only in our infancy of understanding what we were doing. I liked writing songs and later on I realised I liked singing along to them but I would happily have left my ego at the door and watched. It's a tough gig limping the gear and even if you are big enough to get roadies I'm not sure the hotels every night appeal either. I'd sooner an albergue on the Camino and leave the acclaim to those more capable, although my ego did enjoy playing as pkatform99 with Rich in the Sutton Arms in London's barbican area. That ticked a box. I loved how random our songs were and how they cling onto the set list. There were many 2 minute wonder that slipped away when we started trying to fill the hour of a set. That was a shame and so my mission for 2024 will be to load a few of those up.

I loved "Stop", "double Pernod" and other quick thrashy songs. They took very little singing had a cheesy set of lyrics and made me smile. 

"She died of cirrosis of the liver, now I'm never gonna drink again with her"

Ah the rhyming couplet

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