
Tuesday 20 June 2023

if kondratiev were around today

In the 6th economic wave as the technology wave signals The end of human existence I can't help but laugh at how the Russian economist would view it.

When the car was invented it came with technology and rules were invented to ensure the safety of the species. Some countries licence you to use such powerful technology.

When computers the size of mobile phones were placed in the hands of the masses we saw how quickly a lack of health and safety could see the proliferation of truth. I am the way the truth and the light said anyone with the mobile phone and an internet platform to match. Meantime the mental health benefits of this overload of information, marketing, fact checking and nonsense gathering.

I sometimes think I am going mad because I can see it all and yet nobody seems interested. On the contrary they genuinely believe that this is the truth and whether it be parties where dancing is just part of the meeting or fighting elections on bed blocking when all we are describing is wards that should've been bigger and hospitals that should've been scoped to be able to cope with a 100%  increase in demand every 5 years. With the pipeline for staff scoped and sourced.

With all our technical capability to be able to articulate the increasing demands that will be placed on the NHS over the next five, ten and 20 years to suggest that the cure is better management for bed blocking is just nonsense. 

Yet again I have had the pleasure of seeing the NHS staff at work on Jackie. 
Her Camino since 2005 has been random but with hindsight as regular as clockwork.
I have had as many days walking across  the meseta and the Pyrenees as she has the operating theatres, high dependency and general recovery wards. when she asked me to bring one croc in I knew my gambling chances were good, but ultimately unfounded.

Every time the treatment has been superb and yet the workers from consultant to cleaner have been hard at it.

Technology has given us the skill to bend the truth and quite simply to write lies. These people work while political adversaries make them footballs. The staff as highly skilled as any other part of our industry within their field of expertise and we should reward that. We seem intent on stopping staff joining from overseas while encouraging the few we do grow organically through schooling are encouraged to leave.

One of the nurses was telling Jackie that she would be going over to Australia for a few years to get enough money to pay off her student's debt and get a deposit for a house. An absolute scandal and that is why I back the idea that staff should be able to keep more than £12500, the current tax free allowance. Let's not talk about bed blocking. We know the demands increase year on year so let's not ask the nurses and doctors to pay for this increase in ill health with no pay rise and frozen tax free earnings allowance. Move this now to £20000. 

Bus Passes

Almost all the patients have free bus travel. The staff at hospitals should all have free bus travel. It should be issued as part of their induction. Do something about pensioners pots if you like by leaving their allowances frozen at £12500 but why punish our essential workers.

Yes Kondratieff would wave and laugh. Every big leap forward has brought a new way to keep the fodder feeling benevolent to some greater cause. 

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