
Wednesday 27 March 2024

Time for action or nurturing nocturnal behaviours

Yep, I never know. I'm looking forward to escaping the march madness and assaulting April with the vigour I usually find in Spring. I'm living in the past here and enjoy re reading the issues of April and the memories associated. Scotland wasnt as desolate as we felt as ideas grew from the most barren perimeters. We all knew Scargill was wrong and Mick McGahey was right, and yet history tells us that yet again a fanny took us into a fight and the sheep followed. I've relived so many of those moments and while many bands made many songs our wee fanzine was all about our society. We weren't articulate and we lacked a clarity of purpose. We were sheep veering over the cliff at times but 40 years on it helps us realise that our actions dont occur in isolation. I took a job to raise the cash to get Deadbeat to the next level and help the bands put out singles. I never understood how the business worked, but I'm delighted that so many bands from the 3 Compilation tapes got signed and learned the hard way how the business worked. I'd almost suggest that the ones who never got signed were the lucky ones. The industry was full of sharks and swimming in it encouraged you to become one. So as I drift off to sleep tonight I'll not get upset at our label or venue never taking off, rather I'll concentrate on those hysterically funny interviews or stories that bands would tell. The gigs where things went wrong in a spectacular way that weren't funny at the time but are priceless now. Its getting closer....40 years on, Deadbeat style!

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