
Friday 26 July 2024

Trickle down and the fatuous growth in economy - how we laugh

I do get frustrated. I'm trying to explain iconic growth means nothing for alleviating poverty.  

Economic growth is largely about measuring how well advertising revenue has increased and how much the techknowledgeology stocks.

That is such a goodness spelling I might keep it as it is indicative of what artificial intelligence can do for us 

I am very impressed with the growth of NVIDIA and the share price. Editor interrution - Fat Al is about to go off on one with the words being interpreted via his phone's microphone. I am even more interest that NVIDIA is so recognized by my speak up application for those blog. I am Scottish and it doesn't always understand what I'm trying to say hence I have excellent type. 

The growth of the technology stocks this down to their sales and in particular the advertising revenue they command. 

The ability for Google and apple they sell the same product with minor enhancements Iran year that should be here on here here next year on year, should be uploaded applaud but it should not influence the economic growth statistics to tell us how successful the nation is doing. 

I clearly need to upgrade my phone to enable it to understand me and built in obsolescence is a standard success story of any product particularly cars. 

Tesla is back moving forward again in the hope that their cars will be given the green light for driverless automation. Set reminds me why in the USA there is a law about g working. Jay walking. I needed to intervene there as sometimes certain expressions seem impossible to say to the speech in temperature on my phone. I need an interpreter. 

The pedestrian is really punished in the USA and driverless cars will punish them more. I am convinced that 8 out of every 10 deaths will be blamed not on the driverless car but on the pedestrian. We shall see. It could be that drinking is still promoted but you are not allowed to walk home in case you cross the road randomly. 

So to my point about growth statistics. We all hope I'm booming economy means we will all be living a better life but that was the 1970s. That was the post war expectation. That is not 2024. When levels of worth diverge to this level there is only a trickle off shore. There is no trickle down. It is now a drop.

The plumbers have arrived and they've fixed those leaky pipes. They've cleaned the drones and nothing is escaping. Wealthy stays with the wealthy and in my humble opinion it's going to make it a healthy time for revolution.

It's no wonder climate activists are confronting bigger targets. Olympic size events get olympic size audiences and if only a handful agree they've followed the marketing beasts beautiful example and just moved on to the next project.

Poverty does simmer and this is a long game. By 2030 we will have missed our goals and by 2050 we will fully be living with economic growth and full planet malfunction. The 1% won't care. Rome is burning but we're in the Ark.

Population migration has existed throughout time and will continue. The means with which to do so will vary but this cycle of kondratiev wave will be better summed up by the term armigeddon. 

AI has already invaded the classroom and the current generation born in this millennium will be using it to run the planet. By the time the universities churn out the graduates of 2030, the 2025 ones will already be shaping the world in their likeness, except it won't be their likeness, it will be through speech typos.

Football supporters think VAR can be bad but what they're missing is the game has changed. Soon VAR will be an ad break. The beautiful game has enough stoppages for ads but it doesn't utilise them. Sports is what we are sold so we can be sold more. The trick is to keep our consumption up on shit we neither want nor can afford.

Look around at the way your pub or club would have a riot over 5 or 6p on a pint 5 years ago, now its £1 and rising. I said to people after COVID don't just move to £4 move to nearer £5. As I look elsewhere £6.50 is fine and £7. It now feels like going into town is an opportunity to be fleeced. I find it astounding that even the supermarket experience is driven by location. The same chain a mile out of town has the temerity to be price sensitive.

Knuckle down, it's gonna be some ride.

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