
Thursday 15 August 2024

More dental Preparation

With the news of exam results comes a desire to swim in the sea. 
It was superb. It was a bit dreich on the way back but as I drove for a change I cared not a jot.
I've got the dental hygienist up at the western today for a final check on my healing and the health of the remaining teeth.

Once my smile has been checked I'll be ready for the mask fitting.

I don't often listen to the rubbish on exam results as my autistic statistician self gets easily outraged.

There are so many new variables to the model over the last 30 years we are no longer comparing apples with cars, we are comparing electricity to Calpol.

Actually there's a thread through pain management there so maybe it's accurate.

If a school stops a pupil from sitting an exam for fear of failure or a low grade upsetting the school's results then league tables really become fatuous. I wouldn't send my kid to a school that had only A passes because I'd want to know how many pupils from the year cohort were allowed to sit the exam.

This ridiculous use of exams as a weapon to batter the teaching professionals has long upset me. Guess what, teachers in the main were a whole lot better than the folk I worked with in the financial industry who were dreadfully incompetent but who consistently found ways to not be measured. The most obvious was get the accountants to ignore all the bad debts, pilfer more funds from clients who never worried about performance and blame the markets for the rest of their poor performance. The one that always made me chuckle during the deregulation of the 80's and 90's was always delay booking a trade until you saw if it went up or down. If it went up book it to a family member or a friend's trust and if it went down book it to some old fool who wouldn't care as they were in care anyway.

I chuckled at this licenced theft all the time and when I pointed it out to our auditors they really didn't want to know. That's criminal they'd say and we can't report that. Ah, so the crime can continue then I'd laugh.

Just as I laugh when the crimes committed on our children through the political points scoring of exam results raise their heads again. 

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