Thursday 26 September 2024

The bigger the pile..... the broader the smile

This song has lasted longer than expected so here's hoping the birthday boy Tom is enjoying Alencon with a pile of cakes and a smile to match.

It's just so anthemic I can even hear it playing on the jukebox at La Paillot during the pool tournament and everyone stopping to sing the french version. 

Definitely need to get those drums down. It's started turning into one of those 80's stadium gigs. It could be big country, simple minds, Waterboys so many but the drums are phenomenal and the crowd are loving it.

Yesterday as I had a wee double shuffle in the radiotherapy room I had the song blaring so loud in my head it drowned out my tinnitus. One of the downsides of the chemo was double tinnitus. They might try another chemo at week 5 but hey, I'll just write a verse for the song and I'll be off again.
This morning was a lot of reiki and reflexology. My body loves it and seems to be ten times more receptive than usual. I'd explained I might need woken up twice for a glass of water and that really helped alleviate the dryness in the throat. It was simply sensational and I walked back thinking how good I felt compared to early week 2 when I was trying to hydrate and wondered if I'd last the 6 weeks. Today I know the throat will get dryer, the ulcers more nippy and the eating tougher, but there's a party in my head.

I got home and had some soup Jackie had made. Straight from the fridge, 1 part soup 1 part boiling water. Temperature perfect for a wee boy with a sore throat. 4 mugs later it was done and I had an obligatory half bottle of the 2k shaker. I'm trying to do 2@2k bottles a day now as it seems to make sense to put weight on. 

My weight had dropped to 15/10 but I got it up to 15/13 yesterday after pigging put over the weekend. Slipped a bit to 15/12 but the weigh in is tomorrow so I'll put my lead boots on and should make the weight. Before I leave the house I'm back to making sure I'm 16 stone 4 if possible and if I'm not ill make sure I just swallow some water and shake. It's probably the easiest of the disciplines.

Through the night I moved to the brush teeth middle of the night then mouth guards on until I wake up. It just nips too much if I brush the teeth and leave them for 45 mins. Equally putting the mouth guards on while watching the telly hasn't been too successful either as the ulcers really kick off and so I'll try this until they tell me no.

That's enough technical nonsense much more important is the weather. Sunny, not rainy today so that's superb. 
Well maybe not. Just as I headed towards Mordor I saw the clouds and my step quickened. Why did I take my jacket off. Frodo, don't wear the ring, it could bring on the raining.

Luckily I made it here no problem despite Using verse 7 ringing through my ears off blessed are the peace makers except that bastard who started all those wars over fake dossiers. How Isaiah had the foresight to see 4000 years ahead just shows you, even a broken clock can be right twice a day.

"Good afternoon, Alan McEwan, due in the tanning studio 14:15, just the neck today please"

Time for my seat on the waiting room and a read of issue #14 if Deadbeat. It was final exam time at St Andrews and as ever I had not gone to any classes again and so expected to make up answers to questions I'd never even researched. 
Seems like a good time to blame everyone else and split up with Deadbeat's artist and Dundee's correspondent. Aye, what a fanny but the deadbeats cartoon was all the better for my stupidity. Hats off to Hilary and double radiotherapy for you fat Al, ya big child. Hope it hurts real bad.

I also really enjoyed the wild Indians interview. Whenever a band explained they weren't musicians it was a wonderful way to explain anyone can play music. Not all will succeed with a good sound, but the band were superb to party with and all their gigs had the floor jumping. 
Happy hints perfection was every week as Lynne and Kath knocked it out the park in every issue. Coverage of the 1983 election was so good compared to mainstream news media. They were geniuses of comedy and Deadbeat readers were the grateful beneficiaries.

I had to give up the blankie around my tube yesterday. I'd had a dressing on while the staples were removed as it was a bit raw but Camino Norte Nurse took one look and said, nah. We don't want any infection and you don't need it. I laughed and watched my blankie go to the bin. To be fair it saved me 2 mins this morning and is one less job. 

I've now got time to do my teeth with no toothpaste and just a little clean.

The 5000 flourine toothpaste is a middle of the night thing when I put my mouth guards in. It nips too much otherwise.

Oops. This was the Tuesday post. I've got Wednesday and Thursday in draft too🤣

This is a proper piece of deadbeat journalism, late and put of sync.

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