Thursday, 16 January 2025

The Scan is done - now the jury can decide in the next 3 weeks

It's bizarre but I care not a jot
I felt such a lot of pre scan excitement, 
It came to nought. 

It's like my 'Space' plans in the late 80's, early 90's. I had to think inside my box concerning how football stadiums could be better utilised. I know it's sad, I just love maximising the economic impact of a space. I used to try and explain why double time at the weekend was worth it for the firm and the personnel. It's a simple explanation of marginal cost my poor board members couldn't get. Eventually I'd shout 'your bill for the building is fixed whether you use it at the weekend or not. Those computers, printers, other hardware like chairs or desks,  all the machinery never mind the networks. Did I mention carpets, decoration or any other elements of maintenance.' 
The kicker for the staff was always double time but if we needed to employ double the numbers and double our space, network infrastructure it made limited sense for us. Stockbroking was like many industries volatile, or as I used to say, an accordion industry. For those who love bullshit bingo cards, you need some flexibility as it can suddenly be busy or quiet. For many this represents a challenge, even a misery but I'm wired in a quirky way. This presents opportunities to me. I was and still am a huge fan of paying double time. It's the one chance employers get to give extra money away by maximising the fixed costs. In some countries they think you should just be on call all the time and be happy you're getting 60 hours that week and 10 the next. That's not good and breaks all my management corporate laws and beliefs. If we get a chance to reward those who fancy it, we need to have these things some call 'flex'.  We also need to say thank you to anyone who wants to be that 'flex'. 

Please skip to the pictures I'm just going to tell you about my love of using a space. 

I go down more rabbit holes than Freddie the ferret so honestly, save yourself and enjoy the pictures, that's what I'd do.

I suppose you could say, I hate waste. I love to say I loved my work, but sometimes I was driven by a hate of waste or even more often stupidity. 

Jimmy Carter's funeral reminded me that I am occasionally driven by hate. He hated that the USA, a huge producer of oil was still oil dependent. By the time he'd finished, or not longer after, they weren't. The eulogies at his funeral were fantastic. Readers will know that I was a huge fan. The last President I had any time for. 

He was so misrepresented but he just carried on with what he saw as his work. Like Jess Rogan he went forward and fixed things he saw were broken. He was never credited for his successes, the next 12 years saw the republican party airbrushing him out and the Clinton, Baby Bush and Obama years carried the narrative on. They sowed the seeds and the USA now re-elects Trump. It's what they've all been busy marketing since 1980. It is no suprise to see what is happening. They foolishly believe that they have this thing called the constitution which includes the ability to bear arms. To think that a piece of paper which has been amended many times can't be amended again is a misunderstanding of how corrupt it is. If trump is told trees have a preservation order on them, he cuts them down. A dead tree involves a fine, not an obstacle. He loves and admires absolute power. Guess what, people like that pursue it until they are stopped. They are never stopped by votes.

I could certainly maximise the use of the white house. I was there a couple of times in the early 70's at Christmas parties and have thrown up on the steps. I was only 10 so my body hadn't got used to substance abuse 

I loved where we lived when we returned from the USA in 1974. At school I had to explain we didn't live in a boat hoose. It took me a while to pay attention. I tried to explain we were nowhere near the canal. I lacked the language skills to understand people who lived in 'coosel hooses' used 'boat hooses' to describe where I lived. I know it's semantics,  I've just always been really slow. I've always been very fast to misinterpret but more of that later.
I was a bit quicker when the 'Germans', staying at the Pollock halls one summer couldn't find a venue for a party. I asked the priest and next thing I had the keys for the church hall. I took my music centre up and played DJ. Accompanied by my vast collection of 8 compilation tapes, 14 singles and 5 LPs, we had a great night. I recall I wasn't too good with requests, but the visiting students got a venue, we all got drunk and I locked the building. At 15 I fell in love with using empty venues.

Football venues, in the 90's, were being built or developed in Glasgow and Edinburgh as the Taylor report had also told us all to sit down and get civilised. It's hard to believe the Hillsborough families got justice of sorts last year. I was a tiny bit involved in the hands off Hibs, handing the petition into downing street with proper legendary fans Brian and Tony. I pass Brian's mum's bench in the meadows regularly so it's always nice to smell the roses and take a seat and thank Jess Rogan and all like her. What a woman she was.

One of the Hibs things I got asked about led me to discuss my nonsense on how to maximise the asset. First up was events, from weddings to the sports bar concept. I then drifted down the wellness route, from gyms to physios and scanners. Hotels seemed obvious with football clubs in particular as the diaspora would love nothing more than coming home to spend a night at their favourite club. I split my thoughts into the high end like the diaspora and the community hubs from early education, nurseries through art or craft clubs to dance, theatre, music, recording rehearsal, performance spaces, writing, adult literacy which was so important to me back then. 

Nowadays, with my interactions with fellow cancer patients I realised just how many people couldn't understand some very simple questions they were being asked or even why. Sadly the few times I saw angry patients it was usually a misunderstanding, where interpretation was at fault. 

I fell foul of loaded questions regularly and they were always mine. The most recent was to do with the mouthwashes when I asked a do I keep using them all or just the new one. When I heard yesterday, I attached it to just the new one but the yes was probably issued before I added the latter and of course I should have clarified it. I did 2 months after I stopped and still chuckle how my mouth has improved since I stopped making up my advice.

I was so excited when I woke up on Monday. It's hard to describe how someone wired like me feels as they get to week 18. It's a huge achievement and so much more than week 22 when I'll get the results. Week 23 is when I hope to lose the feeding tube which was inserted in week -2. 

I was really manic as I went through for the scan. I felt the accelerator on my mind getting up to 5000rpm. I kept saying to myself chill, slow down but that's not how I'm wired.

I did the scan and tried to explain my fear but had no conviction about the concept of my irrational fear behaviour.

Guess what, it's gone, totally gone. It's official I have been to scan school and I could care less.

I spent a few minutes trying to increase my anxiety but all I got was the usual frozen in the headlights.

I do freeze in headlights. I drink alcohol to ensure I don't panic. Today however I was so troubled by the lack of panic. That's what scan school can do for you and for me it was that selfie in week 1 of treatment. Seeing myself in the mask, I felt very proud. I thought I'm having that on my wall. Not many people get that privilege and I've been inside the ropes. It is a privilege.

I think it's very funny, but I was hyper from when I woke up. I watched the golf playoff from Hawaii so i'd only had 5 hours sleep instead of my usual 12. I had Columbian Nico but he lost in the play off to Canadian Nick. I literally couldn't wait to get going. How ironic when it was 1pm and I still hadn't left the house. 

It never stops amazing me how my mania can result in activity or just ideas buzzing in my head. I'm reminded of an 80's experiment they did on mice. One sample was given speed, the other lot E. This resulted in a lot of activity. The interesting conclusion was the mice on speed did everything in their cage, run the wheel, the ramp, the tunnel etc, while those on E went from one side of the box to the other, back and forth. I wanted to know who had the better time but alas I hadn't gone to mouse school so was unable to ascertain the answer.
This week has been far more interesting for Stuart coming to town. 
It's been brilliant for all his family and pals in Edinburgh.
There's been house parties, strolling on the prom, coffee, cake, mint tea chips and bevvy.
The fun has been endless and it was helped enormously by Stu bringing the weather 
We had been dealing in freezing conditions and suddenly it was 10° and sunny.

It's been an absolute joy and while I might be coming out of my Camino Can'cerre, Stu is embarking on yet another one. 

There's no doubt in my mind that family and friends help as you navigate through and he's blessed with great family in London and Edinburgh to help him navigate a tougher journey than the Camino Norte.
It's hard to believe it was September and October Stu walked with Simon and Richard only 3 months ago.
It raised my spirits so much seeing them party along the coast. That beer festival in Laredo still has me chuckling as they quaff and I get fed another jug of chemo. 

They were so vibrant and it was a constant reminder that losing a few months was small beer when these sights were merely being put back a year.

We've often discussed getting out there and doing it. In 2010 we took a route from Alicante through Barcelona and Narbonne to Limoges.

Going back to Narbonne is still up there on the bucket list.
Last year Stuart, Simon and I were walking about in Almenucar. We walked through Málaga to Benalmadena and beyond. It was a magnificent January trip. It's hard to believe it's less than 12 months ago. 
Life is eventful and I have enjoyed the events of the last 12 months. 

Head down, bash on, let's do the next 12 months ....  It's a mere stroll along the beach.

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